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Puntuació mitjana 424 Ressenyes
Océane ha valorat a Google

fa 11 mesos
Virginia Consolino ha valorat a Google

Best Pad Thai ever ❤️

fa 11 mesos
Sissyloou Sissyloou ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Small restaurant found by chance I was pleasantly surprised, the dishes are delicious. You absolutely must try the Thai loclac beef, and the chicken Satay, good tasting. (Original) Petit resto trouvé par hasard j'ai été agréablement suprise, les plats sont délicieux. Il faut absolument tester le boeuf loclac Thaï, et le poulet Satay, bonne dégustation.

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Laure Bucillat ha valorat a Google

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Romain Lionel ha valorat a Google

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Ryder Best ha valorat a Google

The food was so good! The basil tofu with sticky rice was amazing. And no wait to sit outside. I wanted to come back for sure!

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F ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Visited today Tasty and fragrant cuisine, The smiling service but a bit long / we have time we are on vacation… Thank you 😊 (Original) Visité ce jour, Cuisine savoureuse et parfumée, Le service souriant mais un poil long / on a le temps nous sommes en vacances… Merci 😊

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Danyka ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Extra, great value for money, ch holidays accepted (Original) Extra, super rapport qualité prix, ch vacances acceptés

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Chris LIU ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very good restaurant for lunch and very affordable price (Original) Très bon restaurant pour déjeuner et prix très abordable

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Taiyi Liu ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) The atmosphere is perfect, super chill ~ The kitchen is also very good Recommended ! (Original) L’ambiance est parfaite, super chill ~ La cuisine est aussi très bonne Recommandé !

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